Christmas is Coming at Avon!

Our new holiday Avon catalogs are full of wonderful gifts, fashion, fragrances, and cosmetics.  I can’t wait until my daughters see what they are getting this year, and I’m sure they will be totally thrilled with their gifts — and all the rest of the people in my family too!  Avon has fantastic gifts for every person in your family — even the men!

You get FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $40, and for every $40 you order, you can get our A-Box on the back cover for only $10!  These are full of awesome trial-size and full-size products, and they are different every campaign!  They make nice gifts, and give you a chance to try our products before you commit to purchasing a full size or more expensive product!  They’re also great for traveling!

With your first online order, you can also use code WELCOME10 and get 10% off your order with me!  You can browse through my online Avon brochure at:
to see all the sparkly new things, and can also enroll as an Avon Representative on this site as well.

Please let me know what you think of some of our new products, and how you think they will go over!  What are your favorites in these Campaign 25 Avon catalogs?

Avon Campaign 25 Brochure
Shop Avon Campaign 25 Catalog

Shop all the current Avon brochures and catalogs here:

C25 Avon Brochures



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